Why are Putting Your Life in Someone Else’s Hands?
You know who I don’t trust? People who say they don’t trust anyone. You’d be unable to function if you truly trusted no one. If you didn’t grow ALL of your food yourself, how would you eat? Why do you…
If You’re Truly Listening
Back in June, my body told me that I don’t trust it, and that did something to me: stopped me in my tracks and made me realize that I’ve never trusted my body. Then again, why would I? It’s not…
Thinking about Love
If you do not know or understand someone, can you truly love them? The desire to love needs to include the desire to understand. To know, one must believe that knowing is possible. Communion, which encompasses authentic sharing, cannot be…
Can You Be Honest With Yourself?
Have you ever been long excited about a trip/vacation only to find yourself disappointed as soon as it begins? Did you brush off the disappointment with an excuse like, “I’m just tired from the travel”? Well, whatever the reason, that…
Freedom is Hard to Hold
Explanations are for English Papers In the process of putting away Christmas decorations recently, I washed five cut crystal vases and two candlesticks and arranged them in pleasing groupings on the mantel. There’s still a big empty space in the…
One Piece Leads to Another
Well, goodness knows, I’m tenacious. I certainly wouldn’t be here writing if I weren’t. On my kitchen table right now sits a 28 x 22” slab of foamcore board and on it is a partially complete jigsaw puzzle. I wanted…
What is Your Name?
Is name just another word for label? No. The two could not be more different, but we get lazy and interchangeably use words that are fundamentally incompatible. A name places you in the universe. It makes it clear that you…
Trust Issues
Domenique de Menil writes, in her foreword to Sacred Art, a collection of essays and reflections by M.A. Courturier, O.P. : “For Père Couturier, to be sure, straightforwardness, which begets clarity, was the simple and immediate principle of his personal…
Who Do You Trust?
I think I had trust issues, but not necessarily with other people: with myself. What’s more, I have a feeling that my inability to trust myself enough, to let others consistently plant doubts in my mind, is the key to…
Who Does Your Thinking?
A very short poem from Robert Louis Stevenson ran through my mind this morning: The world is so full of a number of things,I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings. Now, I can’t personally vouch for the…
Who’s Minding the Store?
I know that people think I’m a conspiracy theorist. I’m okay with that. It can be hard to accept notions that don’t fit into the safe little worlds we’ve built with the help of institutions we’ve come to trust. It…