• Thoughts

    Boundaries and A Bill of Rights

    Boundaries and Relationships by Charles L. Whitfield, M.D., scared me. It’s not an imposing book (there are only about 250 pages); there are no freaky graphics, and the writing style is rather straightforward. I’ve owned a copy or two since February,…

  • Thoughts

    Worth the Work

    This morning, I wrote in my journal about how I still get surprised when I cross a new threshold of healing: There’s been so much already—I’m not done yet!?!?! But it’s true, and I imagine that it will long be…

  • Thoughts

    Feeling the Emotions

    At least part of each of my days now includes reading old blog posts that I used to spend at least part of each day writing. So many words. So many ideas that belonged to others and that I thought…

  • Thoughts

    Get Behind Me

    Once again (twice? thrice? who knows?), I have come across the statement, “Get behind me, Satan.” It was there the night before last when I opened the pages of a notebook. “Get behind me, Satan”: those are the words Jesus…

  • Thoughts

    What Is Shame Good For?

    If you want to break a pattern, respond differently. Such a simple statement. I would call it deceptively simple, and by that I mean more easily said than done. In fact, I would contend that, although responding differently is essential,…

  • Thoughts

    Free Yourself

    Early in life, we build cages to protect ourselves. From the inside they look the way Wonder Woman’s jet does from the outside: invisible. Sometimes other people see what we’ve built and furnished and comfortably live inside, but in order…

  • Thoughts

    What State Do You Live In?

    My writing used to be characterized by perfect first sentences. Dennis would marvel at the way I’d struggle until a deadline to write something, then, at the last minute, craft the perfect opening line and have all the other words…

  • Thoughts

    Boxer Brains

    The Art Therapy Way: A Self-Care Guide by Kendyl Arden is the latest in the string of books on trauma and healing that I’ve acquired. Filled with 50 art therapy exercises, the book begins with a great explanation of why…

  • Thoughts

    Touching the Tangential

    My husband is a good man with a great mind that he is constantly exercising. His daily workouts include writing, something each and every one of us should be doing. Did you know that writing things with a pen or…