• Thoughts

    Not Good Enough

    I’m not here to explain. By rights, I should have hit the Publish button after I typed in the period following “explain.” Nothing more is needed. But I always believed I needed watertight answers and too many words. It was…

  • Thoughts

    Row Your Boat

    We are supposed to have a foot in this world and one in the spiritual realm: the sphere of God and angels, yes, but more than that: a “place” in which emotion guides us, where inner wisdom/knowing leads the way.…

  • Thoughts

    What Kind of Work Do You Do?

    Analysis and explanation have their place, but they should never be substituted for singing the songs, dancing to the music, writing the poems, reading the stories, and celebrating the Divine. In other words, don’t mistake mind work for soul work.

  • Thoughts

    What Is Shame Good For?

    If you want to break a pattern, respond differently. Such a simple statement. I would call it deceptively simple, and by that I mean more easily said than done. In fact, I would contend that, although responding differently is essential,…

  • Thoughts

    Longing to Be

    I recently read an essay that laments the unrest in the world, concentrated, as usual, in the Middle East. Two specific statements (sentiments) shared by the author (editor of an art magazine) caught my attention, because each purports to be…