We Create Our Lives with the Words We Use to Live It
We each have a Story that defines our life, whether we realize it or not. We measure ourselves, our dreams, our accomplishments, events, people, ideas, and just about everything else with these Stories. At a certain level, doing so keeps…
What Are You Saying?
This seems like a strange choice for a simile: “… as welcomed as child sacrifice.” I came across it in a book I’m reading, and it gets thoughts swimming in my head, thoughts like, Who thinks this way? You want to…
How Absolute?
Two chapters a day is my quota for War and Peace. It’s possible that I will make it more of a priority at some point, but for now, I am content with my pace and have been pleasantly surprised by…
The Joy of Reading
It is an honest-to-goodness rainy day. I used to write rather often about theory vs. reality, but these days, I feel like I’m just trying to discern what reality actually is. I do know that if I want to feel…