Origins and Ends
The golf lovers around here spent much of the weekend, when they weren’t out on one of the courses that just opened for the season, watching The Masters. Since they no longer have to put up with CBS Sports and…
The Humiliated Christ in Russia
Caryll Houselander was an interesting cat: quirky and Catholic, a bit of a mystic, a bit of a crazy cat lady without the cats. She was born in England in 1901 and died of breast cancer at the age of…
Don’t Feed the Psychopaths
I remember my aunt’s shock when she learned that I am not a fan of “higher education” and that I think far too many people choose to attend (and pay for) college. After all, I used to pontificate about the…
The Compartmentalization of Attention
Thanks to the attention-span-killing Internet, it becomes harder to pay anything the attention it deserves. This works well for those who exploit it. What was earthshattering news last week can barely be recalled today. We more easily forget and, to…
Discernment and Desire
If nothing else, the last year has taught me to be more discerning. I have learned that little is as it seems and nothing that comes out of the mouths of the ruling elite or their propaganda machine is to…
Who Wanted It First?
Yesterday, I tried to put my finger on what separates me from so many people I encounter. I tossed around one notion after another, but none felt quite right until I hit upon the word “quest.” Yet even that misses…
Not Afraid of the Dark
There are days when taking one step, looking just far enough ahead to figure out where to place my foot, is more difficult than on others. Yesterday was one of those. A post I had seen on Instagram, warning of…
The Joy of Reading
It is an honest-to-goodness rainy day. I used to write rather often about theory vs. reality, but these days, I feel like I’m just trying to discern what reality actually is. I do know that if I want to feel…
Strange, Fragile Beasts
Relationships are strange, fragile beasts. They can wander, staying away for years at a time, then come back and go about their business as if they had just walked in the door after a trip to the store for a…
The Way Back to Sanity?
Close to midnight, we were disturbed by yelling and horn honking. Of course, with the recent popularity of rioting, my mind immediately began creating pictures of crowds advancing down the road with rocks and bats and who knows what all.…