New Narratives
It has arrived: the first day of 2022. Why have I looked forward to it with such longing? Is it simply the notion of starting fresh, cleaning out the old and tired and worn? Is it that 2021 was a…
Who Do You Trust?
I think I had trust issues, but not necessarily with other people: with myself. What’s more, I have a feeling that my inability to trust myself enough, to let others consistently plant doubts in my mind, is the key to…
Each Interaction
People continue to surprise me, mostly because I should know better by now. I sometimes can’t believe how much credit I give people. Even after years of telling myself that other individuals draw different conclusions from life (and why wouldn’t…
Strange, Fragile Beasts
Relationships are strange, fragile beasts. They can wander, staying away for years at a time, then come back and go about their business as if they had just walked in the door after a trip to the store for a…
Leave No Stone Unturned
Three days ago, I sat down to write and, apparently, got so far as to type in the date. Here I am today, though, already well beyond that point. Is it raining? Is that a mist of water I see…
Whatever is Closer Appears Larger
Reading my old Collecting Thoughts posts generally affects me in one of two ways: I either hang my head in shame or I think, I need to revisit that and expand upon it. Once in a while, though, I find…
Maybe It’s About Loosening the Grip
How much of my art is a holding onto the past? How much of it is a letting go? I posed those two questions in a journal entry once. Well, knowing me, more than once. As I mentioned in a…