• Thoughts

    When Clarity is Needed

    In The Power and the Glory, considered by many to be Graham Greene’s masterpiece, the whisky priest is on the run in Tabasco, a state in Mexico where Catholicism was outlawed in the 1930s. Priests are being rounded up and…

  • Thoughts

    Can We Trust Our Eyes?

    Lately, I’ve been thinking and writing about the nature of reality, because—I guess—I’ve been trying to find it. If we are somehow not in touch with reality, though, what, exactly, is it that surrounds us? Good question, no? Is it…

  • Thoughts

    An Inevitable Implication

    My family and I spent the first day of the new year visiting Dennis’s parents in New Hampshire. I guess it’s nice to get away from home once in a while, but no more than that. I’ve become too much…

  • Thoughts

    The Words I Choose

    Freedom, love, duty, faith: these words have taken up residence in my mind, and they don’t seem likely to hightail it out of town any time soon. Safety, on the other hand, is a word absolutely not welcome in my…

  • Thoughts

    Mom Planted Petunias

    I’ve started questioning reality. Every turn around the Internet block makes me feel like I’m in the fiction stacks of my local library, where I’m picking books at random, reading a few pages, then placing each back on the shelf…

  • Thoughts

    Leave No Stone Unturned

    Three days ago, I sat down to write and, apparently, got so far as to type in the date. Here I am today, though, already well beyond that point. Is it raining? Is that a mist of water I see…