Love Now
“I’ll love you when you learn to obey me.”“I’ll love you when I have time for you.”“I’ll love you when you lose weight.”“I’ll love you when you think like I do.”“I’ll love you when you quit smoking.”“I’ll love you when…
Love is Not the Answer
Assuaging fear is, because we are all filled with it, even when—especially when—we tell ourselves that we’re afraid of nothing. In fact, the farther back in the closet we shove the fear, the more powerful it becomes, because it grows…
Feeling the Emotions
At least part of each of my days now includes reading old blog posts that I used to spend at least part of each day writing. So many words. So many ideas that belonged to others and that I thought…
Sharing an Apple
Poet Jane Hirshfield is new to me. Robert Bly is the one who introduced us, in his book, Looking for Dragon Smoke, and although I knew Bly’s name, I had paid it no attention (perhaps because none of my college…
Competition? Cooperation?
The artist who acts as if he could have conceived his art by himself, sealed off from other artists, is stupid—he merely tries to conform to the idiotic romantic image of the artists as primeval energy, as a demiurge. The continual…
The Touch of the Unknown
I don’t know that a year can go by without me vowing, again, to read all the poems in The Giant Book of Poetry (edited by William H. Roetzheim) that I bought in 2011, when I decided to embark upon…
Go Ahead, Be Fresh
“I am not a cruise director” is one of the statements I used to make to my children more often than I would have liked, but certainly not on a regular basis. It was my almost reflexive response when one…
New Narratives
It has arrived: the first day of 2022. Why have I looked forward to it with such longing? Is it simply the notion of starting fresh, cleaning out the old and tired and worn? Is it that 2021 was a…
Let the Night Be Too Dark
At most he thinks or twitters softly, “Safe!Now let the night be dark for all of me.Let the night be too dark for me to seeInto the future. Let what will be, be.” —Robert Frost Living in day-tight compartments is…
Yesterday, after Andi died, I changed the background image on my computer to the one seen here. I love that shot of her, with those beautiful, soulful eyes, but I wasn’t quite ready when I woke my computer this morning,…
One Traveler
Perhaps these words from Bishop Kenneth Untener (as shared by Maureen Sullivan, OP) in her book, The Road to Vatican II, are good openers for some thoughts. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise…
An Inevitable Implication
My family and I spent the first day of the new year visiting Dennis’s parents in New Hampshire. I guess it’s nice to get away from home once in a while, but no more than that. I’ve become too much…