• Thoughts

    Enough with the Labels

    I used to think in terms of labeling myself: Am I a writer? Am I a photographer? Am I an artist? Well, not exactly. Now, I prefer to think of myself as a woman who writes well and enjoys exploring…

  • Thoughts

    My Thoughts

    My computer (owned for less than two months, mind you) is now telling me it does not like the browser I’ve chosen for cruising the Internet. I understand that the monopolizing tyrants of Microsoft would rather have me use one…

  • Thoughts

    Who’s Minding the Store?

    I know that people think I’m a conspiracy theorist. I’m okay with that. It can be hard to accept notions that don’t fit into the safe little worlds we’ve built with the help of institutions we’ve come to trust. It…

  • Thoughts

    May Day

    A new month makes me feel like I should start something new. As such, I got outside with my camera, and am now sitting here at my computer, thinking and writing. There has been no dearth of reading for me…

  • Thoughts

    On Education and Coercion

    With our freedoms rapidly being stolen, thanks to a narrative bent on inciting pandemic panic, I found this old post, written 7 July 2018, quite timely. As I near the end of Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides, I find myself shaking…