• Thoughts

    Sharing an Apple

    Poet Jane Hirshfield is new to me. Robert Bly is the one who introduced us, in his book, Looking for Dragon Smoke, and although I knew Bly’s name, I had paid it no attention (perhaps because none of my college…

  • Uncategorized

    Out of Captivity

    I feel like, after a lifetime behind bars, someone has opened the door of my cell (and yes, it was locked by others) and let me walk free. I turn to look back, and I finally get to see my…

  • Thoughts

    Which Words?

    I could fill your inbox with words, day after day. Most of the posts I write and publish now end up at about half the length at which they begin: and that’s just counting the words that I type. The…

  • Thoughts

    Taking a Safety

    I got to the computer yesterday by way of Stephen Harrod Buhner’s Ensouling Language, a book I am still s-l-o-w-l-y making my way through (and now that I’ve shared it with Dennis, it’s often in his office, where I don’t…

  • Thoughts

    Peace Travels Light

    Alice Miller has made me a minimalist. All that’s left? Me and the truth. The agendas; the philosophies; the advice and instruction; the judgments, opinions, and ratings; the rules and the “this is the way it’s done”s; the excuses and…

  • Thoughts

    One Piece Leads to Another

    Well, goodness knows, I’m tenacious. I certainly wouldn’t be here writing if I weren’t. On my kitchen table right now sits a 28 x 22” slab of foamcore board and on it is a partially complete jigsaw puzzle. I wanted…