God, Love, Gratitude, and My Own Soul
My therapist told me that the reason I never stop trying to help people is that I keep hoping someone will help me. While she is absolutely right, there is more to the story, and it’s a funny thing, but…
Not Good Enough
I’m not here to explain. By rights, I should have hit the Publish button after I typed in the period following “explain.” Nothing more is needed. But I always believed I needed watertight answers and too many words. It was…
250+ Ways to Wash Dishes
600,000 B.C. Can you even begin to wrap your head around how long ago that is and what life here on earth must have been like then? Are you thinking about dinosaurs? Maybe imagining a caveman carrying a club and…
Love Now
“I’ll love you when you learn to obey me.”“I’ll love you when I have time for you.”“I’ll love you when you lose weight.”“I’ll love you when you think like I do.”“I’ll love you when you quit smoking.”“I’ll love you when…
An Awakened Soul Does not Go Back to Sleep
Thank God for Michael Meade and Awakening the Soul. How long ago did I buy the book? How many times had I tried to read it before I finally settled upon it about a week ago? Books come to you…
Fear Drives Out Love
Today, I was not surprised to learn that “the exact meaning of the term” religion “is subject to debate among some scholars.” Of course it is. After all, if you control the language, you control minds and hearts, and once…
Love is Not the Answer
Assuaging fear is, because we are all filled with it, even when—especially when—we tell ourselves that we’re afraid of nothing. In fact, the farther back in the closet we shove the fear, the more powerful it becomes, because it grows…
One Line Leads to This
Well, the post in my email inbox was only one line long and it intrigued me: “I really don’t like cagey people.” Celia Farber wrote it, and I had a feeling I knew exactly what she was talking about, so…
This is How I See it
A few days ago, I came across a heartbreaking video of a bloodied child from Palestine. The woman who shared it is rightly upset about the genocide going on under our noses. She wrote, “Tell me again how offensive and…
Letting Go of Their Needs to Fill My Own
I have become suspicious of anyone who offers, entertains, or allows only two choices: black or white, right or wrong, saint or sinner, pure or contaminated, pro- or anti-. Reality doesn’t work that way. God doesn’t work that way. I…
Longing to Be
I recently read an essay that laments the unrest in the world, concentrated, as usual, in the Middle East. Two specific statements (sentiments) shared by the author (editor of an art magazine) caught my attention, because each purports to be…
Autry’s Humility
It was love and it was desperation.It was need and pure charity. It wasn’t perfect. Only God is. But it was enough to save a life. Thank you, Reynolds Price, for writing “Endless Mountains.” Thank you, Mom, Dad, God? Whoever…