Too Wide, Too Wonderful
The Writer’s Blood in my fountain penmakes me question my worthiness.But when have I ever believed I was worthy? After all, I grew up in a world of wordsdescended from the litigious Latin language,which allows no dissent from the sentence…
Questions or Answers: Take Your Pick
It seems to me that art is about asking questions. Science, on the other hand, is about chasing answers and then clinging to them. Science should be about asking questions, and many of us are programmed to believe it is,…
How Many Will Make It Past the Prison Walls and Never Get Locked in Again?
Prisons We Choose to Live Inside Thoughts, conversations, experiences, memories, things that I’m reading are all coming together and leading me on. For Tolstoy, the self is not a system, but an aggregate. It is a cluster of habits and…
What Are You Saying?
This seems like a strange choice for a simile: “… as welcomed as child sacrifice.” I came across it in a book I’m reading, and it gets thoughts swimming in my head, thoughts like, Who thinks this way? You want to…