Row Your Boat
We are supposed to have a foot in this world and one in the spiritual realm: the sphere of God and angels, yes, but more than that: a “place” in which emotion guides us, where inner wisdom/knowing leads the way.…
The Gift of Art
My morning included a small scale existential crisis. Robert Bly’s Looking for Dragon Smoke, a book of essays on poetry, was at the top of today’s reading stack, and by the time I finished section three of the first essay,…
An Awakened Soul Does not Go Back to Sleep
Thank God for Michael Meade and Awakening the Soul. How long ago did I buy the book? How many times had I tried to read it before I finally settled upon it about a week ago? Books come to you…
What Kind of Work Do You Do?
Analysis and explanation have their place, but they should never be substituted for singing the songs, dancing to the music, writing the poems, reading the stories, and celebrating the Divine. In other words, don’t mistake mind work for soul work.
Before the Lips Go Still
I don’t know how or when it happened, but at some point in life, I began to let myself have my own opinions. I reached a point at which I became okay with not liking something I was told I…