• Thoughts

    Those Damn Questions

    I realized today that questions make people uncomfortable, and the askers of those questions are not so great, either. I don’t know, however, if I should call it a breakthrough. Maybe it’d be better characterized as a memory. Do you…

  • Thoughts

    Pattern Recognition

    I face an important decision each morning when I get downstairs and lift the blind on the window behind my desk: do I awaken my computer and check in with the world or live in blissful ignorance for a little…

  • Thoughts

    Who Wanted It First?

    Yesterday, I tried to put my finger on what separates me from so many people I encounter. I tossed around one notion after another, but none felt quite right until I hit upon the word “quest.” Yet even that misses…

  • Thoughts

    Who’s Minding the Store?

    I know that people think I’m a conspiracy theorist. I’m okay with that. It can be hard to accept notions that don’t fit into the safe little worlds we’ve built with the help of institutions we’ve come to trust. It…