• Thoughts

    An Inevitable Implication

    My family and I spent the first day of the new year visiting Dennis’s parents in New Hampshire. I guess it’s nice to get away from home once in a while, but no more than that. I’ve become too much…

  • Thoughts

    Roughly Recognized

    According to Gary Saul Morson in Hidden in Plain View, “In the early reviews of War and Peace, objections were raised most frequently against the plot. ‘This disordered heap of accumulated material,’ as one reviewer called it, was perceived as…

  • Thoughts

    Who Wanted It First?

    Yesterday, I tried to put my finger on what separates me from so many people I encounter. I tossed around one notion after another, but none felt quite right until I hit upon the word “quest.” Yet even that misses…

  • Thoughts

    Not Afraid of the Dark

    There are days when taking one step, looking just far enough ahead to figure out where to place my foot, is more difficult than on others. Yesterday was one of those. A post I had seen on Instagram, warning of…

  • Thoughts

    What Does Anybody Know?

    I once worked with a guy who had flown Lear Jets before trading that career for a more mundane one at a quasi-governmental agency. I asked him why he stopped flying, and he told me about a saying among pilots:…

  • Thoughts

    My Own Story

    How does my story compare to that of anyone else’s? Why do I ask? Why do I care? Well, singer/songwriter/author Tori Amos started me on this path today. I recently read her second book, Resistance: A Songwriter’s Story of Hope,…

  • Thoughts

    Mom Planted Petunias

    I’ve started questioning reality. Every turn around the Internet block makes me feel like I’m in the fiction stacks of my local library, where I’m picking books at random, reading a few pages, then placing each back on the shelf…

  • Thoughts


    I am searching for the truth. Isn’t it funny that the hundreds of thousands of words I’ve strung together and the millions of words I’ve read come down to nothing more than that?