• Thoughts

    Not Good Enough

    I’m not here to explain. By rights, I should have hit the Publish button after I typed in the period following “explain.” Nothing more is needed. But I always believed I needed watertight answers and too many words. It was…

  • Thoughts

    Five Poems

    Anything that feels like a school assignment pisses me off. Nothing, though, gets my blood boiling like being forced to keep a journal. In a college screenwriting class, the professor (whose arrogance rubbed me the wrong way pretty much from…

  • Thoughts

    Row Your Boat

    We are supposed to have a foot in this world and one in the spiritual realm: the sphere of God and angels, yes, but more than that: a “place” in which emotion guides us, where inner wisdom/knowing leads the way.…

  • Thoughts

    250+ Ways to Wash Dishes

    600,000 B.C. Can you even begin to wrap your head around how long ago that is and what life here on earth must have been like then? Are you thinking about dinosaurs? Maybe imagining a caveman carrying a club and…

  • Thoughts

    A Satisfying Morning

    More wonder in this wonder-filled world: the book beneath The Gift in my second-cup-of-coffee stack* turned out to be Soul Food: Nourishing Poems for Starved Minds, edited by Neil Astley and Pamela Robertson-Pearce, and the next poem presented for my…

  • Thoughts

    The Gift of Art

    My morning included a small scale existential crisis. Robert Bly’s Looking for Dragon Smoke, a book of essays on poetry, was at the top of today’s reading stack, and by the time I finished section three of the first essay,…

  • Thoughts

    Do You Know Who You Are?

    Throughout these past three years of emotional healing, I have been surprised, over and over, by how often I need to revisit things I had thought were settled and finally put to rest. Interestingly, the process has not involved reading…

  • Thoughts

    Fear Drives Out Love

    Today, I was not surprised to learn that “the exact meaning of the term” religion “is subject to debate among some scholars.” Of course it is. After all, if you control the language, you control minds and hearts, and once…

  • Thoughts

    Boundaries and A Bill of Rights

    Boundaries and Relationships by Charles L. Whitfield, M.D., scared me. It’s not an imposing book (there are only about 250 pages); there are no freaky graphics, and the writing style is rather straightforward. I’ve owned a copy or two since February,…