• Thoughts

    My Own Thing

    How often do I change my mind, my outlook, my convictions? Yes, my convictions. If I don’t blindly hold onto a belief my entire life, it doesn’t mean that I am a moral relativist, and if I don’t keep up…

  • Thoughts

    My Own Story

    How does my story compare to that of anyone else’s? Why do I ask? Why do I care? Well, singer/songwriter/author Tori Amos started me on this path today. I recently read her second book, Resistance: A Songwriter’s Story of Hope,…

  • Thoughts

    Little Wins

    My thoughts are turning again to photography and art. I press buttons on my camera, push virtual sliders on my computer, then pick up my phone, and hit the + icon on Instagram. The wooden box holding 120 shades in…

  • Thoughts

    Stay Vigilant

    It appears that a little rain fell last night. I’ve been praying for it, and the forecast leads me to believe that last night’s precipitation was just an appetizer. I hope so, because the world outside my door is parched.…

  • Thoughts

    Each Interaction

    People continue to surprise me, mostly because I should know better by now. I sometimes can’t believe how much credit I give people. Even after years of telling myself that other individuals draw different conclusions from life (and why wouldn’t…

  • Thoughts

    Enough with the Labels

    I used to think in terms of labeling myself: Am I a writer? Am I a photographer? Am I an artist? Well, not exactly. Now, I prefer to think of myself as a woman who writes well and enjoys exploring…

  • Thoughts

    In My Head

    If there were any day to sit down and write, this would seem to be the one. Jeff and Nick are not here to work on the porch, Luke is using my studio as an office, and everyone else is…

  • Thoughts


    It is still too sunny to deal with any images in Lightroom. In other words, there is too much light for Lightroom. Sounds strange, I know, but having my desk in front of the living room’s back window has affected…