May Day
A new month makes me feel like I should start something new. As such, I got outside with my camera, and am now sitting here at my computer, thinking and writing. There has been no dearth of reading for me…
On Education and Coercion
With our freedoms rapidly being stolen, thanks to a narrative bent on inciting pandemic panic, I found this old post, written 7 July 2018, quite timely. As I near the end of Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides, I find myself shaking…
In My Head
If there were any day to sit down and write, this would seem to be the one. Jeff and Nick are not here to work on the porch, Luke is using my studio as an office, and everyone else is…
Things Farther from the Camera Appear Smaller
It’s late, and I didn’t think I’d get anything typed up today, but it’s worth the effort. Appearances keep changing. Martial law essentially went into effect here in Maine at 12:01 yesterday morning, but here in my house, where I’ve…
Do We Recognize the Nuances?
I am sitting at my computer, because there is some semblance of peace here in the living room, and because I decided yesterday that I’d like to make more of an effort. What does it mean, though? Will I be…
Whatever is Closer Appears Larger
Reading my old Collecting Thoughts posts generally affects me in one of two ways: I either hang my head in shame or I think, I need to revisit that and expand upon it. Once in a while, though, I find…
It is still too sunny to deal with any images in Lightroom. In other words, there is too much light for Lightroom. Sounds strange, I know, but having my desk in front of the living room’s back window has affected…
I Keep Trying to Clean my Room
Maybe it’s because I can’t escape the bits and bobs about politics that manage to fit through the nooks and crannies of my life, but I keep thinking about something Jordan Peterson said in an interview or lecture on not…
We’re All Human
What am I? A human being. Place no other labels upon me, please. What do I do? Well, many things, but for now, let’s just say that I collect and create words and images. What do I want to do…
But, Wait
Viktor Frankl reminds me that it is about the long run. I’m thankful for the message this morning. It is one we don’t hear often enough in our instantaneous world.
Instant Questions and Answers
The moment is enough. Make the effort to mark it somehow: write the story, take the picture, make the art.
Thank goodness for Brad and his Budget Blinds. Without them, I’d be blind, for the sun is actually shining today, and it seems to be pouring out all the lumens it has been hoarding for too long. In a similar…