Too Wide, Too Wonderful
The Writer’s Blood in my fountain penmakes me question my worthiness.But when have I ever believed I was worthy? After all, I grew up in a world of wordsdescended from the litigious Latin language,which allows no dissent from the sentence…
An Awakened Soul Does not Go Back to Sleep
Thank God for Michael Meade and Awakening the Soul. How long ago did I buy the book? How many times had I tried to read it before I finally settled upon it about a week ago? Books come to you…
Checking My Boundaries: Asking for Help
I have difficulty asking for what I want or for what I need. Not any more. After reading Boundaries and Relationships by Charles L. Whitfield once, I’m working my way through it again slowly, taking time to reflect in my…
Was the Dragon Scroll Made of Raw Silk and Uncut Wood?
Today’s entry in the Tao Te Ching is the One. It speaks of differences between doing and being, but the funny thing is that doing is called “being”—a bit confusing, I know, but stick with me. Raw Silk and Uncut…
Do You Know Who You Are?
Throughout these past three years of emotional healing, I have been surprised, over and over, by how often I need to revisit things I had thought were settled and finally put to rest. Interestingly, the process has not involved reading…
Fear Drives Out Love
Today, I was not surprised to learn that “the exact meaning of the term” religion “is subject to debate among some scholars.” Of course it is. After all, if you control the language, you control minds and hearts, and once…
Questions or Answers: Take Your Pick
It seems to me that art is about asking questions. Science, on the other hand, is about chasing answers and then clinging to them. Science should be about asking questions, and many of us are programmed to believe it is,…
Speaking of Psyops
I wanted to cross-post at Substack (where freedom of expression is supposedly oh-so-important) this post from Second Smartest Guy in the World, but it was simply not possible to do so. I find that interesting. So, in case that link doesn’t work.…
What Kind of Work Do You Do?
Analysis and explanation have their place, but they should never be substituted for singing the songs, dancing to the music, writing the poems, reading the stories, and celebrating the Divine. In other words, don’t mistake mind work for soul work.
What’s In Your Head?
I am here in Maine, where I spent the first eighteen years of my life. This second stint has already lasted 19 years, and I still don’t have a place on the water. How many times did I ask my…
Boundaries and A Bill of Rights
Boundaries and Relationships by Charles L. Whitfield, M.D., scared me. It’s not an imposing book (there are only about 250 pages); there are no freaky graphics, and the writing style is rather straightforward. I’ve owned a copy or two since February,…
Worth the Work
This morning, I wrote in my journal about how I still get surprised when I cross a new threshold of healing: There’s been so much already—I’m not done yet!?!?! But it’s true, and I imagine that it will long be…