• Thoughts

    Out in the Cold

    C.S. Lewis retells the myth of Cupid and Psyche in his powerful novel Till We Have Faces. This is my second reading of the book, and everything’s different for me now that I’ve moved my starting point and see clearly…

  • Thoughts

    A Harsh Truth

    A few months ago, I read Savage Wisdom by Adam Cam, after following him for a while on Instagram. The man is brutal (and he loves his four-letter words), but I’ve long found myself attracted to people who tell the harsh truth…

  • Thoughts

    Peace Travels Light

    Alice Miller has made me a minimalist. All that’s left? Me and the truth. The agendas; the philosophies; the advice and instruction; the judgments, opinions, and ratings; the rules and the “this is the way it’s done”s; the excuses and…

  • Thoughts

    One Piece Leads to Another

    Well, goodness knows, I’m tenacious. I certainly wouldn’t be here writing if I weren’t. On my kitchen table right now sits a 28 x 22” slab of foamcore board and on it is a partially complete jigsaw puzzle. I wanted…

  • Thoughts

    Still Going

    This is where the road gets lonely. I thought that it looked pretty desolate back at the beginning of April, 2020, when I was sending friends and family videos of ambulances sitting idle and hospital parking lots that were just…

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    Word of Warning

    Let’s find the loophole, the technicality that makes what she is offering wrong. There is certainly something there that will let me dismiss what she’s saying. Oh, I’ll find it, alright. In the meantime, I’ll just just give her a…

  • Thoughts

    We Are All Afraid

    We are all afraid. Despite that, and because of that, we tell our stories. We tell them to figure out who the hell we are, and when that fails, we read other people’s stories in the hopes that they can…

  • Thoughts

    Word Problems

    A Declarative Sentence Life Sounds Like This Don’t ask questions. Don’t tell people things. Don’t get fat. Don’t get too skinny. Don’t embarrass us. Don’t get bad grades. Don’t think you’re so smart. Don’t misbehave. Don’t blame it on your…

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    Continue the Conversation

    Everything is interconnected, which is why I cannot try to isolate the books I read. I need to keep a dozen or so in process. I need to stop worrying about not finishing one or another: no more self-imposed rules,…

  • Thoughts

    What is Your Name?

    Is name just another word for label? No. The two could not be more different, but we get lazy and interchangeably use words that are fundamentally incompatible. A name places you in the universe. It makes it clear that you…

  • Thoughts

    If You Want Dragon Smoke

    Could it be that Robert Bly’s Looking for Dragon Smoke is the book I’ve been looking for? And what did I do? I read a few pages after it arrived back in May, then put it on the shelf—always saving…