• Thoughts

    250+ Ways to Wash Dishes

    600,000 B.C. Can you even begin to wrap your head around how long ago that is and what life here on earth must have been like then? Are you thinking about dinosaurs? Maybe imagining a caveman carrying a club and…

  • Thoughts

    A Satisfying Morning

    More wonder in this wonder-filled world: the book beneath The Gift in my second-cup-of-coffee stack* turned out to be Soul Food: Nourishing Poems for Starved Minds, edited by Neil Astley and Pamela Robertson-Pearce, and the next poem presented for my…

  • Thoughts

    The Gift of Art

    My morning included a small scale existential crisis. Robert Bly’s Looking for Dragon Smoke, a book of essays on poetry, was at the top of today’s reading stack, and by the time I finished section three of the first essay,…