• Thoughts

    What’s In Your Head?

    I am here in Maine, where I spent the first eighteen years of my life. This second stint has already lasted 19 years, and I still don’t have a place on the water. How many times did I ask my…

  • Thoughts

    Boundaries and A Bill of Rights

    Boundaries and Relationships by Charles L. Whitfield, M.D., scared me. It’s not an imposing book (there are only about 250 pages); there are no freaky graphics, and the writing style is rather straightforward. I’ve owned a copy or two since February,…

  • Thoughts

    Worth the Work

    This morning, I wrote in my journal about how I still get surprised when I cross a new threshold of healing: There’s been so much already—I’m not done yet!?!?! But it’s true, and I imagine that it will long be…