Go Ahead, Be Fresh
“I am not a cruise director” is one of the statements I used to make to my children more often than I would have liked, but certainly not on a regular basis. It was my almost reflexive response when one of them claimed to be bored, either through looks or words. I have more patience with boredom now, because it can be a stimulus to creative thinking, but the funny thing is that I am never bored. My mind never stops. In fact, my ten- or fifteen-minute marches around the kitchen island, foyer, and pool table to reach my daily walking goal are times I rely on when I have so many options (for writing, reading, or researching) that I don’t know where to begin. Such treks usually end with a decision about what I’ll do next, and that is typically all I’m looking for. I don’t want to plan my day; I just want to make good choices each time I’m presented with them. Can a mountain be moved? Perhaps, if you’re diligent about carrying away one stone after another.
Of course, nothing gets accomplished when you don’t begin, and I’ve been wondering lately how other people go about doing just that, so I’ve started picking random books off my shelves and reading first pages, taking an informal survey of how published authors dive in. Interestingly, these “doorways” into stories are about as individual as the books themselves. Thank goodness. (Let’s take a moment to celebrate—not “diversity”—but individuality, shall we?)
So, it’s a new day, a fresh moment. How will I begin my story? No, where will I begin it? How about here and now?