A Speck of Light
I still look at my old stuff, hoping to find a glittering speck that lights the way to something new. This morning, I pulled out the second post from Collecting Thoughts Press and remembered that I once wrote about a question Charlie asked when he was here to wire something: “What do you do all day?”
I didn’t really give him an answer, but maybe I should have said, “I work to save myself and my family, and maybe even the world—at least, my teeny, tiny corner of it—from falling into the darkness.” Apparently, at least half the battle is being aware of the forces of evil arrayed against us and working to understand the tactics used by the enemy, so we’ll be able to say NO when asked to play along and help ensnare others.
While I have spent much of my adult life believing that I should warn others about the massive truck bearing down on them, I have also spent plenty of time working to simply keep my mouth shut, since most people still want to kill the messenger.
As it turns out, I am not very good at delivering messages, whether I couch them in metaphoric sentences and pictures or swing them with all the finesse of a sledgehammer. Knowing this, though, won’t stop me from trying.