• Thoughts

    Thinking and Knowing

    Art and poetry get banished from our lives, and we are impoverished. We put our hands in our empty pockets and wonder why nothing fills them. We turn to roadmaps and instruction manuals but are still unable to decipher how…

  • Thoughts

    Can We Trust Our Eyes?

    Lately, I’ve been thinking and writing about the nature of reality, because—I guess—I’ve been trying to find it. If we are somehow not in touch with reality, though, what, exactly, is it that surrounds us? Good question, no? Is it…

  • Thoughts

    Be Merciful to Me, a Sinner

    I have written often about labels and categorizing, and my attention is warranted. Labeling is essential to our existence, but, as with nearly everything, it can be both benefit and bane. We lessen the impact of unmapped territory, defusing its…

  • Thoughts

    Letting Myself Look

    I guess I have not written about Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill and that surprises me. It, or maybe just the Joe Rogan chat with Tom O’Neill, turned out to…

  • Thoughts

    Person or Commodity?

    When I look back at my writing, I notice common themes, and while in the past, it bothered me, because it seemed like I was unable to move forward or entertain an original thought, I no longer feel that way.…

  • Thoughts

    The Cave

    Our lives are filled with assumptions that most of take as true. We see these things with our eyes, hear them with our ears; sometimes, we touch, taste, or smell them. I am holding this big, heavy, dull grey rock…

  • Thoughts

    Which Character are You?

    Once in a while, I remind myself that I used to get frustrated with people who wouldn’t hand out answers like candy. I liked the sound of this: “Literature leaves you with questions; lesser works give you all the answers,”…

  • Thoughts

    The Compartmentalization of Attention

    Thanks to the attention-span-killing Internet, it becomes harder to pay anything the attention it deserves. This works well for those who exploit it. What was earthshattering news last week can barely be recalled today. We more easily forget and, to…